Simple Little Things (SLT) articles and logos represent simplicity, joy, liveliness, happiness, purity, life, love, and cheerfulness.
On the request, I’m making the SLT logos available to everyone under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
You are free to use these logos offline and offline. You can use them on your pictures, articles, or prints. Though, you must take care of a few simple rules:
1. You are free to use SLT logos without any prior permission.
2. Share the link to your work; I would love to see it, though it’s unnecessary. I may also share your creation on Knowledge Lover if you would like.
3. SLT logos must not be used for any hate work against women or any human being, race, religion, sexual orientation, or cultural differences.
4. SLT logos must not be used for anything that depicts or suggests animal cruelty.
5. SLT logos may not be used in any sexually explicit creation.
6. You have permission to use SLT logos as part of your print.
7. Give credit with a direct link to Knowledge Lover. (Optional)

The package includes the SLT logo in white, black, and brown. All three variations are available with and without background.