12 Influential Lessons from Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre Cover

Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre is a classic novel that remains fresh with readers nearly two centuries after its publication in 1847.

It’s much more than a Victorian romance novel, this groundbreaking work is biting in its observations on human nature, tenacity, and individual honor that remain impeccably relevant to the present day.

In addition to Jane’s transformation from neglected orphan to self-assured governess to a woman who finally finds love and autonomy on her own terms, we understand universal truths about human nature.

The novel’s exploration of identity, autonomy, and moral courage directly addresses issues of the day. This makes it as relevant and necessary today as it was when Brontë wrote it.

This journey carries us through twelve lessons from the remarkable life story of Jane – each of which can shed light on our own life.

Whether meeting the burning passion of Jane Eyre for the first time or reading her story again with new eyes, these lessons make us to look inward at our own values, relationships, and growth.

Let’s begin immersiving ourselves in the learnings from the life of Jane Eyre.

jane eyre art
Frederick Walker, A.R.A., Rochester and Jane Eyre, 1899. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

1. The Importance of Self-Respect

Self-respect is the central element of Jane’s character and the foundation of her most meaningful choices in Jane Eyre.

Regardless of her modest birth and efforts by society to strip her of value, Jane never wavers in her belief in her own intrinsic value as a human being.

When Mr. Rochester tries to make Jane his mistress after he learned that he is already married, she faces her toughest challenge. Even with her great passion for him, she will not give up what she believes in:

“I care for myself. The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself.”

This realization makes Jane understand that sacrificing her sense of self-respect, even for love, would be a self-consuming decision.

Throughout the novel, she demonstrates that dignity does not lie in wealth, social status, or other individuals’ acceptance – it resides within.

For modern readers forced to trudge through a sea of constant comparison and outside validation, Jane’s unshakeable self-respect is a strong antidote.

As social media more and more pushes us towards comparison with other people, Jane teaches us dignity lies in upholding our personal values and borders.

Consider how often we’re lured into selling out our values for acceptance, promotion, or even love.

Jane’s situation compels us to face ourselves and ask: At what cost?

Her experience teaches us that protecting our self-respect is not selfishness but self-preservation – the foundation upon which genuine happiness must be built.

2. The Quest for Independence

Jane’s quest for self-reliance propels the novel’s narrative.

Her declaration, since earliest childhood, that “I am not deceitful: if I were, I should say I loved you; but I declare I do not love you,” spoken resolutely to her aunt Reed, tells us that she is resolved to preserve her autonomy of mind and will.

Financial freedom is also equally important in Jane’s quest.

When she is left money by her uncle, she at once distributes it among her new relatives, retaining only what she requires. This action shows that what drives her towards becoming independent is not a love for gathering riches but having enough to live by her own conscience.

Mostly, Jane desires emotional independence – the power to decide on her own judgment and not through others. When St. John Rivers offers marriage as a utilitarian marriage for missionary purposes, Jane understands that to agree would mean losing emotional freedom:

“I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you.”

In our contemporary context, where economic pressure, relationship requirements, and social media stress insidiously erode personal boundaries, Jane’s call for freedom remains radical.

Her story asks us to reflect on where and how we might be sacrificing our autonomy -whether in career choices that betray our values, relationships that drain our selfhood, or social norms that erode our authenticity.

True independence, then, is not selfishness or isolation, Jane implies, but the basis of genuine connection.

Only when she is independently whole in every definition of the word can she turn back to Rochester as his peer and have an equal relationship of respect, rather than dependence.

3. The Power of Love and Forgiveness

Brontë does not define love as romantic feeling or as a revolutionizing force but as an energizing force that needs to be cultivated with enthusiasm and sympathy.

The affair between Jane and Rochester starts with intellectual attachment to an intense emotional one but only after both of them undergo a complete makeover.

Jane shows us that genuine love requires honesty and moral standards.

When she discovers Rochester’s dishonesty with regard to his wife Bertha, she will not be his mistress despite being in love with him.

This is not rejection but a commitment that genuine love cannot thrive by being dishonest or morally compromised.

Forgiveness is as vital to the redemptive force of love.

Jane forgives Mrs. Reed, who treated her poorly as a child, and Rochester, who tried to marry her when he was still married.

This is not weakness but strength – a deliberate release of bitterness and healing.

When Jane returns to Rochester after his injuries, she receives him with remarkable acceptance:

“I love you better now, when I can really be useful to you, than I did in your state of proud independence.”

In our throwaway culture of instant decisions and snap relationships, Jane’s comprehension of the complexity of love is an elixer.

Her narrative is that magnificent love is not achieved through perfection but through acceptance, growth, and forgiveness.

Not accepting disrespect or abuse which Jane never does but accepts our shared humanity and our ability to change.

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4. Moral Courage in the Face of Injustice

Jane exhibits profound moral courage throughout the novel, challenging injustice even at a cost.

At Lowood School, as a young girl, she befriends the outcast Helen Burns despite potential punishment.

She later stands up for the slandered Adèle Varens and the enigmatic Grace Poole when others shun them.

Jane’s most heroic exercise of moral courage is when she refuses to become Rochester’s mistress even though she loves him. She states her moral stance in unyielding terms:

“Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation; they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigor.”

This moment illustrates that moral courage is very frequently insisting on being alone against the majority or even one’s own inclinations.

Jane insists on integrity over ease, on principle over passion.

In this complicated moral landscape of today, Jane’s situation is still a lesson.

We are confronted by moral dilemmas in the workplace, political decisions, and human relationships that challenge us to find the line between expedience and integrity.

Jane teaches us that right and convenience part ways occasionally, and those occasions define us.

Her story makes us question ourselves:

  • When did we ever last speak out against injustice when it would have been easier to remain silent?
  • When have we ever jeopardized personal benefit to stand up for what we believe in?

Jane’s unshakeable moral courage challenges us to create our own ethical compass and stick to it, even along difficult ground.

5. The Value of Education and Knowledge

Even though she is pushed to the periphery of society, Jane educates herself.

At Lowood Institution, even under unfavourable conditions of living, she studies fervently and eventually becomes a teacher herself.

Education provides Jane not only with vocational skills to earn her living but with intellectual resources to comprehend her world and articulate her ideas.

Jane’s curiosity stretches from conventional education to independent learning of literature, art, and language. The thirst for knowledge becomes the source of strength throughout her life:

“Though I had now extinguished my candle and was laid down in bed, I could not sleep for thinking of his look when he paused in the avenue.”

This seemingly sentimental book actually reveals Jane’s rational mind working constantly on experience and attempting to get closer.

Her well-educated brain helps her navigate tough social experience and make judgments not biased by opinions, instead adhering to opinion received.

In our age of information surplus, Jane’s philosophy of education is worthy of consideration.

As opposed to passive reception of information, she demonstrates active interaction with ideas, critical reasoning, and application of knowledge in day-to-day choices.

Her life illustrates that education is not a matter of credentials but of cultivating the ability for autonomous thinking and moral decision-making.

Jane’s tale is a reminder that education, whether formal or not, is still a force for individual change and social mobility.

In an age where information has opened up exponentially but wisdom occasionally appears more ephemeral than ever, her reflective method of gaining and applying knowledge is still valid.

6. The Impact of Social Class and Gender

Brontë’s book unflinchingly explores the means by which class and gender restrict human potential.

As a poor, orphaned working class woman and governess, Jane holds an intermediate social status – educated but not wealthy, working in a proper but not home environment.

From this vantage point, she is able to see the relativity of differences in class.

The female characters in the novel have more restrictions. Cousin to Jane, Blanche Ingram is pushed to marry Rochester because there are not many better prospects for her.

Bertha Mason Rochester, locked up in the attic, is the complete annihilation of feminine voice and authority.

Jane herself always negotiates with gender roles opposite to her self-determination.

When Rochester puts finery on her after she becomes engaged to him, she resists:

“And then you won’t care about me or look for me anymore,” I said.

This apparently trivial scene is significant in showing Jane’s discovery that she is valuable to Rochester for something more than shallowness if their relationship is to be valuable at all.

While dissimilar to the Victorian England social world of today, readers today are still faced with inequality along dimensions of class, gender, race, and others.

Jane’s recognition of these systems without being overcome by them is an instance of operating within systemic constraint with personal integrity.

Her story challenges us to look at the obvious and the subtle ways social expectations shape our choices, relationships, and self-concept.

It invites us to look past arbitrary distinctions that limit human potential and to value character above position – a revolutionary stance that remains relevant across centuries.

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7. The Journey of Self-Discovery

Fundamentally, Jane Eyre is a story of an unforgettable quest of discovery.

Jane emerges from being a young woman who has very little idea where she belongs in life to someone who has closely questioned her values, desires, and sense of direction.

This emerges through subtle self-reflection over what she went through. Recovering at Moor House after fleeing Thornfield, Jane gains critical insights:

“I had been deluded; and, sitting down on a stone I saw before me, I said—’Life, however, is still life whether in the earth or the sun.'”

This flash of perception – this vision of strength and ability to recreate resulting from engaged self-awareness, not resigned acceptance in circumstance.

Jane’s discovery of self comes to culmination in her immortal declaration to Rochester: “I am a free human being with an independent will.” This is assertion, yet profound self-perception – she knows she must have independence and will not compromise it.

In our modern world filled with constant distractions and outside pressures, finding space to reflect becomes more difficult but more necessary.

Jane’s model encourages us to stop in the middle of life’s crises to examine our reasons, values, and true longings.

Her quest implies that knowing oneself is not narcissism but the key to healthy relationships and meaningful existence.

It is only by understanding herself that Jane can finally have a relationship with Rochester that is real, based on respect rather than dependence or fantasy.

8. Inner Strength and Self-Reliance

Jane’s toughness is the anchor of her personality.

Abandoned, tormented by the Reeds, callously treated at Lowood, bereaved at Thornfield, and all but killed on the moors – Jane meets unusually trying hardship yet somehow musters inner reserves to survive.

Upon leaving Thornfield after uncovering Rochester’s duplicity, Jane travels the moors barefoot and unsustained by any shelter or nourishment than that which compromises her moral fiber. This is a test of flesh that reaffirms her survival reflex:

“I looked at the sky; it was pure: a kindly star twinkled just above the chasm ridge. The dew fell, but with propitious softness; no breeze whispered. Nature seemed to me benign and good; I thought she loved me, outcast as I was.”

Even at her lowest point, Jane reconciles with nature and holds onto hope, exhibiting immense psychological resilience.

This resilience does not indicate that Jane never doubts or gives up, she does, but rather that she learns to endure such feelings without being broken by them.

Her independence is not stubborn solitude but the ability to hold onto her core self regardless of shifting circumstances.

In our age of greater consciousness about mental illness and emotional stability, Jane’s strength is instructive.

She admits to sickness without being held captive by it, seeks assistance when necessary (as when the Rivers family saves her), but ultimately derives strength from inner reserves to cope with the travails of life.

Her life shows us that resilience is not born but constructed through deliberate choice, moral awareness, and the forging of an inner life robust enough to carry us through outer turmoil.

9. The Complexity of Love

Brontë defines love as being multi-faceted, which includes intellectual kinship, attachment, physical desire, and compatibility of morals.

The love that develops between Rochester and Jane runs through these planes, starting from their intellectual affinity and progressing towards deeper attachment.

The novel sets apart true love and its facsimiles.

Rochester’s former relationship with Céline Varens was a physical desire, and St. John Rivers proposes a union of convenience in the absence of passion to Jane.

Both prove insufficient to Jane.

“Can I receive from him the bridal ring, endure all the forms of love (which I doubt not he would scrupulously observe) and know that the spirit was quite absent?”

Real love, Jane learns, is passion and principle – both must be sacrificed at a price to the relationship.

Rochester’s initial attraction for her grows because their parity of intellect and emotional maturity, but no passion can sacrifice moral principles under a challenge.

The novel ends on a redeemed conception of love. In going back to the wounded Rochester, their relationship is leveled: his bodily dependence mirrors her previous economic dependence, producing genuine interdependence instead of power imbalance.

In our modern context, where debates on healthy relationships and emotional intelligence have been paramount, Jane’s silent appreciation of love is still a lesson.

She does not sentimentalize emotional dependence nor settles for unloving practicality but insists that love respect the dignity and autonomy of both partners.

portrait of Charlotte Bronte
George Richmond’s portrait of Charlotte Bronte held at the National Portrait Gallery

10. Challenging Societal Norms

Through the novel, Jane resists and ultimately defies social norms that will constrain her as a human being.

As a poor, plain Victorian Englishwoman, she is meant to be content with whatever fate is in store for her and just quietly accept her subordinate role.

Rather than this, though, Jane holds onto her inherent equality with those above her in society:

“Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I have as much soul as you—and full as much heart!”

This statement to Rochester is a radical rebuke of Victorian social stratification and the role of gender.

Jane will not agree to be worth whatever something is determined by beauty, money, or rank.

Her greatest act of rebellion is in avoiding Rochester instead of becoming his mistress.

She would have been fortunate in the eyes of society to be a mistress to a rich man no matter how immoral the situation.

Jane, however, holds on to her morals at great personal expense.

She then also turns down St. John Rivers’ utilitarian offer of marriage, declining to be married out of love no matter its religious and social acceptability.

In today’s environment, even as some of the social restrictions have evolved, pressure to conform is still considerable.

Jane’s example provokes us to examine what of society’s expectations we may be adopting unquestioningly – career choices, marriage ages, consumerism, or definitions of success.

Her case suggests an implication that thriving well takes strength to discern social convention and individual reality, often having the difficult choice of moving toward the latter even if this means deviating from the approved course.

11. The Importance of Personal Autonomy

Jane’s insistence on independendence – even hard choices tells us about the novel’s focus on autonomy.

Throughout her young life, Jane resists being defined by others, whether Mrs. Reed, Mr. Brocklehurst, Rochester, or St. John Rivers.

When Rochester tries to put Jane into expensive dresses and jewels after they become engaged, she resists what looks so like generosity because she reads it as a covert erosion of her autonomy:

“And then you won’t care about me or look for me anymore,” I said.

This apparently insignificant fight is symptomatic of Jane’s profound feeling that maintaining her independent self within the union is vital to its well-being.

Her most theatrical assertion of independence occurs when she departs from Rochester instead of compromising her ideals.

Subsequently, when St. John Rivers demands that she marry him and become a missionary, she again prizes independence:

“I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you.”

In today’s life, where consumerism, social media, and relationship expectations subtly chip away at personal autonomy, Jane’s firm declaration of her right to self-determination is still pertinent.

Her case makes us think about where we may be giving up our autonomy – career decisions that conflict with our values, relationships that erase our identity, or social norms that chip away at our authenticity.

Jane’s tale implies that freedom is not selfishness but self-respect – the source of true relationship and giving back to other individuals.

12. The Power of Resilience

Jane’s biography is a testament to the redemptive strength of resilience.

From abuse as a child at Gateshead, physical violence at Lowood, unrequited love at Thornfield, and witnessing death in the moors, Jane continually calls forth inner resilience to survive and rise above.

Resilience here is not getting through but thriving in adversity.

With every challenge, Jane’s vision of herself becomes more nuanced, and her ability to face future challenges becomes stronger:

“Even for me life had its gleams of sunshine.”

This brief statement captures Jane’s vast capacity to hope in the face of adversity – a fundamental building block of resilience.

Jane’s resilience specifically involves having a sense of knowing when to accept assistance. When saved by the Rivers family, she lets them take care of her without giving up her dignity.

This balance between self-reliance and proper dependence on others is the hallmark of mature resilience.

In our modern context, where talk about trauma, recovery, and emotional well-being is increasingly prevalent, Jane’s story presents a mature picture of resilience that neither disregards suffering nor is it confined by it.

She neither avoids her injuries nor lets them shape her destiny.

Her own life experience indicates that resilience is not natural but rather a capacity created through deliberate choice, moral awareness, and the building of an interior life full enough to carry us through adversity.

Conclusion: The Enduring Legacy of Jane Eyre

Almost two hundred years since its first publication, Jane Eyre remains deeply modern in its appeal to readers because it speaks so eloquently to universal human questions:

  • How do we maintain dignity in adversity?
  • How do we reconcile love and autonomy?
  • How do we find ourselves and stay faithful to ourselves in a world that so frequently requires us to conform?

Jane’s metamorphosis from fragile orphan to confident woman provides no simplistic formulas but a powerful portrait of self-growth against adversity.

Her story reminds us that our circumstances, however unkind, need not control us – that through conscious decision, moral courage, and grit, we can shape our own destiny.

As we move through our own complicated contemporary world, Jane’s voice rings out across the decades, speaking as powerfully today as it did in Brontë’s day.

Her adamant insistence on her own value independent of outside approval, her willingness to take a stand for integrity over ease, and her refusal to settle for false connection at the expense of autonomy remain a source of inspiration and guidance.

In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë not only constructed a wonderful character but a resilient ideal of human dignity and self-realization – one that still leads us on our own path almost two centuries later.

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